~ ~ A Teacher Training Initiative ~ ~
This special grant award focuses on mentoring and training ESL/ELL educators from CATESOL’s levels (K-12, Higher Education, Community College, Adult Education and Intensive English Programs) about best practices regarding racial and social justice, curriculum redesign, and implicit bias training.
Inaugural Hybrid Summer Institute
Starting this year, all grantees will design a capstone project for their own teaching / administrative context, partake in online training modules, and attend a one-day training session in August led by DEI experts in the field culminating in a portfolio of materials.
Grantees will complete online modules during June and July.
The one-day on-site workshop will take place in early August.
Application Process
Interested applicants should complete an Expression of Interest
(EOI) form. ​
2. Applications will be reviewed starting July 15, 2024.
Past Workshop Topics
Coming soon!