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Note: Due to the pandemic, this award was placed "on hold." 
More information about the award restart coming soon!


The purpose of this application is to determine your need for a small stipend to offset the cost of attending and participating in a CATESOL conference (chapter, virtual, or annual).  You must meet ALL four basic criteria to be considered (noted below). 

All accepted entries will receive a check upfront for conference registration or registration reimbursement. 

Entries for consideration are due quarterly. Stipend requests must be received prior to our Board meetings (schedule coming soon). 

Note that these conference stipends are not available to current CATESOL Education Foundation Board members.


2019 Northern Regional Stipend
Chris Carey
Nicole Siminski

2019 San Diego Chapter Stipend
Rosella Henry
Langdon Holmes
Dr. Nancy Kwang Johnson
​Steve Kim

2018 Northern Regional Stipend
Julie Hoefling

​2018 San Diego Regional Stipend
Robert M. Hill 
Tiffany Kim

2017 Los Angeles Regional Stipend
John Pervez, Denise Cedillos, and Michelle Bagwell
​2017 San Diego Regional Stipend
Undarmaa Maamuujav and Joyce Chan 

​2016 Los Angeles Regional Stipend
Jennie Watson, Lori Kananack, Ashley Gullick
2016 San Diego Regional Stipend
​Stephanie Johnson


“I was reminded of another reason why CATESOL Conferences have kept me engaged and returning every year: the approachability and friendliness of its presenters, members, and participants” - Denise Cedillos, Recipient of 2017 CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Stipend
"At the end of the day, it was abundantly clear to me that every workshop participant had a sense of belongingness to the CATESOL community. "- Dr. Nancy K. Johnson, Recipient of 2019 CATESOL San Diego Stipend

"My difficulty with choosing sessions is that I always want to attend more than one, if not all of them, since they cover such a wide variety of relevant topics. However, with my ability to only be in one place at a time, I selected the above-mentioned session to learn about principles that I could apply to my teaching contexts –– and learn them I did! The session was fast-paced and interactive and I loved the suggested activities, so much so that I made plans to incorporate them into my class starting Monday morning."- Tiffany Kim, Recipient of 2018 CATESOL San Diego Regional Stipend

“CATESOL has so many great events that teach and inspire, but the costs add up for those of us who can't get reimbursed by our employers. As an adjunct instructor at multiple schools, I usually feel overworked and underpaid, so attending a conference with other professionals who have brilliant insights and strategies is a rejuvenating experience. I am so grateful that (the CATESOL Education) Foundation provided the funds for me to attend one of these amazing regional conferences.” - Jennie Watson, Recipient of 2016 CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Stipend

Thank you for the Foundation's support of these volunteers and the San Diego Chapter's event! - Lydia Sparksworthy


Feedback and Encouragement
By Chris Carey, Recipient of 2019 CATESOL Northern Regional Stipend

ImprovisationalGames 2019_improvisational_games_dr_nkj.pdf

By Dr. Nancy Kwang Johnson, Recipient of 2019 CATESOL San Diego Chapter Workshop Stipend

Professional Development Matters
By Robert Hill, Recipient of 2018 CATESOL San Diego Regional Conference Stipend

Surfing the Waves of Change in San Diego
By Tiffany Kim, Recipient of 2018 CATESOL San Diego Regional Conference Stipend

A Walk Through the First Conference Experience of a GraduateStudent and New Instructor
By Ashley Gallic, Recipient of 2016 CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Conference Stipend

Stipend Awardee Rewarded with Bundle of Knowledge from LA Regional
By Lori Kananack, Recipient of 2016 CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Conference Stipend

Grateful Student Recounts First Experience at LA Regional
By Khulan Zagd, Recipient of 2015 CATESOL Los Angeles Regional Conference Stipend

Stipend Awardee Brings Home Diversity of Ideas from SD Regional
By Jessica Quinn, Recipient of 2015 CATESOL San Diego Regional Conference Stipend


CATESOL Education Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the CATESOL Education Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is 20-8464092. Donations made to the CATESOL Education Foundation are tax-deductible
as charitable contributions (Tax ID Number 20-8464092).   Your donation is made through PayPal.  You do not need to be a member of Pay Pal to use it.


Non-Discrimination Policy

The CATESOL Education Foundation does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military or language orientation status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to board members, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services and awards. We are committed to providing an equitable, inclusive, welcoming environment for all members of our volunteers, vendors, and clients.

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